The History of the Ku Klux Klan

             A.Many Towns were also ran by the KKK.

             B.TJe Klan got many pro-Klan members elected.

             C.The town justices couldn"t seem to convict accused members for any.


             D.The KKK had more power than the Law and the wrath of the KKK was.

             much more frighting than jail.

             E.In the Late 1920"s many politicians who once remained quiet spoke out.

             and fought against the Klan .

             1. this caused the down fall.

             F.The Klan has not been powerful since that time .

             G. For the past 50 years the Klan has had many rebirths and falls.

             VII. To Rise Again?.

             A.During the time of the world wars they used their patriotism to gain.

             peoples trust.

             B.The Klan is much different now then it used to be.

             C.The KKK that we know now is separated into many small organizations.

             D.Their are many internal struggles each division claims to be a original.

             descendants and follow the old ways.

             VIII. Home Internet.

             A.In the past few years with the birth of the Internet the Klan has found a.

             way into homes across America.

             B.All have one thing in common they all undermined other races and.


             C.The websites seem to appeal to teenagers.

             1.Raciest Cartoons.

             2.Raciest Jokes.


             D. The Cartoons and jokes display the enemy races in displeasing situations.

             that often elaborate the points and views of the KKK.


             The Ku Klux Klan is one of America's oldest and most feared groups. The name.

             comes from the Greek word kuklos, meaning circle, because in it is contained some of the.

             unique characteristics of the White (or Aryan) race.The Ku Klux Klan began almost.

             accidentally during the reconstruction period after the civil war in the Southern United.

             States. The southern people had suffered greatly from the effects of the great war. Nathan.

             Forrest was quickly accepted as the "Grand Wizard" of this new hate group. He had.

             absolute power over the Klan members. The men were eager to do what he said, they.

             trusted him. Many of the men were in need of a sense of belonging.

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