The History of the Ku Klux Klan

             The KKK feeds on the hate and destruction of the world from this they grow.


             Only Dream was to be the only one master race.

             B.Began Accidentally after the civil war.

             C.formed in the south due to the effects of the war.

             D.In 1865 6 men from a small town in Tennessee formed the KKK.

             E.At first the group want only to play pranks on people but the people.

             were scared then they realized what they could do with those tatics.

             F.The KKK then began to ride through political rallies of carpetbaggers.

             1.the people left out of fear.

             G. Word of these masked men spread quickly more people wanted to be.


             H.A leader was needed.

             I.Robert E. Lee was first choice but was too sick to be involved.

             J.Nathan Forrest was the next choice.

             1. he accepted the job.

             II. Nathan Bedford Forrest.

             A.Forrest wasnt well known but was a great leader.

             B.Forrest was born in Mississippi.

             C.He owned a plantation .

             D.He also fought for the confederate army for a long time .

             E.He had the respect of great confederate Leaders.

             F.After the war he was infuriated by the carpetbaggers and needed a way.

             to fight back he found the KKK as a way to do it.

             G. Forrest was deemed the "Grand Wizard" .

             H.The men were eager to do what Forrest said.

             1. they trusted him.

             III. 1868.

             A.The Klan Really began to take control.

             B.They vowed to rid the south of carpetbaggers, Blacks and any one that.

             supported them.

             IV. Early 1900"s.

             A.After the US gov. removed troops from the south in the early 1900"s the.

             Klan Achieved its goal .

             B.The Klan broke up and stayed quiet until about 1915.

             C.In 1915 the Klan had some new goals.

             D.The old Klan wanted things back to the way they were before .

             E.The Klan wanted to rid the world of all non-white Christians.

             F.The New Klan is much more violent.


             V. The New Klan.

             A.The New klan was allot more violent.

             B.In 1920 the new Klan really started to prosper.

             C.Unlke the former KKK the members were spread all across the country.

             VI. The Falling.

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