Comparison of Kazakh and Chinese Phraseology

Also, in the early eighties at the Kazakh Department of Central China Normal University was composed Kazakh-Chinese phrase book under Editor Zhou Ji-sheng. This dictionary includes idioms, proverbs, sayings, famous dialects, of 8400 phrases. Actually, in the theoretical study of phraseology, our scientists have done a great job. In the last fifty years in selected academic journals published 100 articles on the study of Kazakh proverbs, but the content of these articles is limited, for example "Analysis of Chinese and Kazakh phraseology in terms of cultural differences ". .

             Thirdly, I am going to discuss the structure future and values, by comparing the formation, origin and quality. Chinese and Kazakh phraseologies have a big difference in their structure, which complicates interpretation of phraseology. So, understanding the formation, origin, structure and stylistic features of shade helps to understand the importance of phraseology and accurately translate them. In the translation process, and the need to ensure the accuracy of the translation, and consider the importance of connotation, history, tradition, custom, habit, stylistic nuance, emotional and expressive color and functional style of the source language. .

             As was mentioned above, we can see the importance of good translation quality. To consider the Chinese idioms translated into Kazakh, Kazakh idioms synonymous not only different emotional colors and styles, but semantics. Some Chinese idioms have several meanings, so the translation must first understand the meaning of a number of Chinese idioms, and then choose the idioms in context and to translate them into Russian. In addition to this, translation of phraseology must keep the emotional and expressive and stylistic coloring in the original. Especially when you use synonyms idioms to translate, to perfectly understand not only their semantic color in the original, but also the tone of style to keep the style of the original.

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