Mobile Streaming

All of these created the commercialization of the Internet. In 2002, Adobe Flash prompted the development of video streaming format through flash (Josh Lowensohn, 2008), which is the format used on many popular video hosting sites such as YouTube.

             With the introduction of smartphones (2007) and tablets (2010), many people adopted this new devices since they were very useful and more convenient that a laptop computer. Content was very scarce, to maintain this new portable devices in business companies had to converge the vast majority of their content digitally and make it available for this mobile devices. Users wanted a device that was convenient, portable and easy to use. Mobile Applications has become a significant mobile content market since the release of the first iPhone in 2007.

             Once the content was created it became very popular by many of the smartphones and tablets users, they were able to watch movies, listen to music broadcast from stations, watch their favorite television programs and more. These advances in computer networking, made streaming practical and affordable for ordinary consumers. Additionally, this has changed how people use their conventional television and radio. Television was introduced in late 1920's with few channels available and radio broadcasting was limited as well, with this new innovation of mobile streaming newer generations are going to adapt to this and change the form they watch television and listen to radio, all over the internet.

             III. Technology .

             In order to stream to mobile devices, there are some standards and theories that need to be followed in order to stream properly with no loss of signal or quality. Mobile streaming includes common principles such as IP streaming, video and audio compression and streaming protocols.

             IP streaming requires real-time video applications to deliver the media packets in a timely manner (Technology Journal, Vol.

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