Tiffany's Marketing Plan

Their average income would be from $75,000 - $100,000 annually. Given their income level, the majority of these individuals will have a degree from an institute of higher learning. Their social status is upper class, high-income consumers. Ethnicity would vary depending on the geographical location. Though there is a global focus, the majority of sales come from the United States. .

             Marketing Message.

             Since the target market is comprised of upper class individuals, the message of the marketing campaign will portray class, sophistication, and elegance. The overall message will be neutral, rather than overly feminine of masculine.


             Though Tiffany's has many stakeholders, the most obvious stakeholders would be its shareholders since Tiffany's is a publicly traded company. In addition to its shareholders, other stakeholders would include the employees of Tiffany's. Also, any vendor that deals directly with Tiffany & Co. would be considered a stakeholder. The most obvious vendor that would be interested in the well being of Tiffany's would be the mines that supply the diamonds to the company. Tiffany & Co. has made noticeable efforts to ensure that responsible mining practices are being employed.

             Corporate Analysis .

             Goals for the product: .

             The goal over the next two quarters (six months) is to increase the sales of engagement rings by 10% in comparison to last year. The way in which this could be done is through an increase effort of promoting and selling engagement rings through the holiday season. Additionally there will be an increased effort to market and increase sales in foreign markets. .

             SWOT Analysis: Include a SWOT where you identify the strengths and weaknesses (this is specific to your product/brand) and the opportunities and threats (which addressed the external market and competitors). At a minimum there should be three or four factors identified for each of the four SWOT categories.

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