Crossfit Business Plan

             Head trainer background and education. Julia Hoffmann has over 10 years of experience as a Physical Therapist and Personal Trainer. For over a decade she has had the opportunity to work with athletes of all levels to include professional Handball players, members of the German National team, K1 fighters, weekend warriors, the elderly, and more recently CF Games competitors. Besides holding a degree from one of the most acclaimed institutions in her field in Europe, the University of Koln, she has pursued advance certifications in Kettlebell training, endurance competitions, Olympic weightlifting, Striking, Goal Setting, and Gymnastics. Her relentless pursuit for the optimal health and fitness level has successfully made her an expert on nutrition, injury prevention, flexibility and mobilization and overall improvement of the human condition.

             Founder Background and Education.

             Guillermo Magana has proudly served the military for over 10 years in which he has lead hundreds of soldier to an exemplary physical condition. Through personal experience in a multitude of exercises he has helped rehabilitate injured Soldiers from previous injuries and returned them to active duty successfully. Furthermore, he has expanded on that knowledge by attending various certification that include Endurance Sports Training, Olympic Weightlifting, Striking Training, Goal Setting, and Gymnastics. His passion to achieve the most efficient human performance has turned his hobby into a first class coaching database.

             Environmental Analysis.

             U.S. Fitness industry. .

             There is a trend within the Fitness Industry as more and more people become health conscious. This trend is on the rise with the baby-boomer who have come to the realization that staying healthy can help lower healthcare costs. Taking into consideration that the U.S. economy was on a downturn since 2008 the Fitness Industry has managed a steady growth. It is posed to continue to grow as the economy improves and hits record highs on the stock market ("Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs Market Research Report NAICS 71394 Feb 2013," 2013).

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