Crossfit Business Plan

            What is CrossFit? There is no better time to find out about CrossFit than right now. The CrossFit Games Open is full effect and the whole community is participating in this world wide event. By definition CrossFit(CF) is: constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity.("What is Crossfit?," n.d., para. 2) CF is also a community where everyone is treated as an athlete regardless of their ability and is this what makes it such a success and a viable business option.


             In creating a business plan one must be able to demonstrate the feasibility of the idea, ways to raise capital, and set up a plan for the future success of the business endeavor. We will start with the executive summary.

             Executive Summary.


             RESTLESS GARAGE CROSSFIT is thriving in Pooler, Georgia USA and will expand in the next twelve month. It is a fitness organization that offers several services to include: one on one personal training, weightlifting coaching for woman and men from a beginner level to a professional skill set. Gymnastics with a focus on strength, coordination, and balance is offered as well. Programming for the endurance athlete involved in marathons and ultra-long distance races is one of our expertise. Due to our coach's background in Physical Therapy we are able to handle clients in a rehabilitation state from a past injury or a sedentary state. The target market is of great range and variety to include ages from young adults to retirees.


             This business plan has been set in motion to demonstrate our competitive advantage in comparison with the current fitness industry climate and prove our sustainability and reason for expansion.

             Company Information.

             RESTLESS GARAGE CROSSFIT has been founded by highly educated and experienced coaches: Julia Hoffmann and Guillermo Magana. Before moving to the Savannah, Georgia area, they called Germany home. Both coaches honed their craft through personal experience and advanced further education.

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