Argument on the Legalization of Marijuana

6 billion, approximately $10,400 per arrest. Of this total, annual police costs are $3.7 billion, judicial/legal costs are $853 million, and correctional costs are $3.1 billion"(Norml). If marijuana should be legalize, it would save our government lots of money. According to Dr Miron stated in his paper "Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of legal regulation would save approximately $7.7 billion in government expenditures on prohibition enforcement"(Norml). In the United States, all levels of law enforcement participate in the chasing the drug dealers, and traffickers. The government spends billions of dollars every year to chase all the people who happen to smoke and use marijuana for medical treatment. Everyday people are get lock up in prison, and the taxpayers have to foot the bill. For example, A person jail because of smoking marijuana, he or she will become the property of the government, and all the expensive will be pay by the government through the tax pay by the Americans. This is extremely expensive, and the government should stop wasting money locking people up for having and smoking marijuana. In addition, if marijuana is legalize, the government will be able to generate money, and there will be money for drug educational programs and other serious matters.


             One unforeseen effect of marijuana prohibition is that marijuana is always commonly use by underage people. The reason marijuana is commonly using is because it is available. People do not have to be 21 to buy marijuana because, marijuana dealers usually do not bother to know the age of the buyer as long as he or she has money. It is easier for many underage people to purchase marijuana than to buy alcohol, and cigarette because of the legalization, the legalizing of marijuana will keep it away from underage people since the mission is to reduce marijuana consumption." Anti legalization of marijuana, says Smoking marijuana will cause much harm to the respiratory system, as smoking a full pack of cigarettes a day because it contains more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke.

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