Argument on the Legalization of Marijuana

            Marijuana is a well known drug that a lot of people have used either by smoking, or remedial way. There are many names use for it, such as weed, mary-jane and grass. Marijuana is one of the most debate and controversial issue; it has been an extensive debate with a valid argument in the United State today. Arguments for legalizing marijuana are not just an easy pros and cons argument in both national and local media. There have been growth rates of marijuana use among adults and youth in the United States, and this have made the headlines. There are different approaches and opinion to each arguments. There are three main arguments, the medicinal use, recreational, and the government enforcement. However, there are many positive points to support the motion, people believe that it has medical benefits and which should make it legal. According to Dr Miron state "people use drugs because they think drug will give them some benefits"(Norml). While some people think that it is illegal use and should not be permitted. Plants that yet to have evidence that is harmful cannot be illegal. The American government simple approach to this issue is extremely weak. The benefits of legalizing marijuana are out weight's the damages people think it causes. The legalization of marijuana in the U.S. would improve the quality of life, lower cost, and give better way to address the drug problem.


             One of the reasons that marijuana should be legal is the economic impact prohibition has cause in this country. There is no good evidence that banning the use of marijuana reduces the drug use, and there is some evidence that show banning the use of marijuana might increase spending. There are stronger points for legalizing marijuana through the use of researches and evidences. First, it is extremely costly to keep marijuana illegal, Dr Miron state"The enforcement of marijuana laws annually costs US taxpayers an estimated $7.

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