The Globalization of Jersey Shore

             interplay. In that regard the ethnically composed "guido"[3] might serve as.

             an epitome for the flow of people in our globalized world. The theoretical.

             draw upon the show will besides that mostly be carried out in a more.

             broadly manner, without going too deep into specifics of a show, I have yet.

             not seen much of first hand. So for more information about the show and its.

             expressions I have included a reference in the footnote where a more.

             detailed explanation of the show can be found if one should be so inclined.

             In regards to the Danish knockoff of 'Jersey Shore' called 'Kongerne.

             af Marielyst' ('The Kings of Marielyst') also 'Kongerne of Rømø' ('The.

             Kings of Rømø') [4] a show upon which I also will be touching along the.

             lines of this paper, I have not been able to find source with a the same.

             amount of details. But the show is basically a well-known Danish.

             counterfeit that in many ways bears a heavy resemblance to its American.

             cousin. Its existence provides an interesting study ground for the.

             understanding of the global vs. local binary frame and hybrid mixtures.


             I will be drawing on these different versions of 'Jersey Shore' whenever.

             I find them suitable to describe something about globalization. I will.

             compare them and show different ideas about globalization important to our.

             overall understanding.


             I will start of this paper on a more general note firstly introducing.

             globalization in a broad manner before gradually narrowing down and.

             introducing the 'Jersey Shore' as an exemplification of the concepts. Some.

             of the concepts to be investigated in this paper originate from previous.

             epochs, but their impact lingers on to the present day and continues to.

             affect globalization. An example of such concept linked to the historic and.

             contemporary reality of globalization is that of 'imperialism' whereby we.

             go back as far as to the nineteenth century. Back then the imperialist.

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