The Globalization of Jersey Shore

            We live in a global age where the television program format 'reality TV'.

             has become a widespread and successful phenomenon. This due to the.

             underlying forces of globalization that allows a circulation of such ideas.

             thought-out the world.

             If one were to sum up the whole process you could use the word.

             'liquidity'[1], painting the picture of words, images and other cultural.

             elements flowing with relatively ease around the globe. The process is.

             amplified by the fact that reality shows exist in an electrified form that,.

             since the arrival and expansion of cable and satellite television, has lead.

             us towards new heights in terms of transnational flow of things.


             As a result of this, questions regarding the interaction of reality.

             television with local cultural are being raised. How are cultural elements.

             being integrated into the local realities? Is the spread of reality TV a.

             part of a process causing the world in different places to becoming more.

             the same or can arguments of a contrary scenario be made?.

             - - -.

             By investigating a concrete global phenomenon - that being the American.

             reality show "Jersey Shore" [2]- through different theories I hope to be.

             able to give a coherent overview of globalization providing answers to my.

             questions. This by introducing theoretical considerations residing in the.

             'homogenization'/'heterogenization' spectra.

             The goal is to touch upon some of the key concept and important aspects of.

             globalization in order to hopefully gain a better understanding of our.

             contemporary world. As an isolated phenomenon the reality show "Jersey.

             Shore" is it in itself not that important or interesting in this regard,.

             and thus I will not be going on in great detail about 'guidos' and.

             'guidettes', 'fist pumping' or 'GTL' regardless of how amusing that.

             elsewise would have been - at least not unless it serve the noble purpose.

             of equipping us with a richer understanding of the cross cultural.

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