Christopher Nolan's Memento

From the very beginning we are to believe that.

             the character Teddy is an untrustworthy liar. This was written below the.

             picture of Teddy that Leonard has so he was able to remember him. Once we.

             get to the end of the film or the beginning of the story in chronological.

             order we find out that Teddy had helped Leonard find John G. he also kept.

             helping him find other "John G.'s" so Leonard would be satisfied. The issue.

             is that he would never remember killing the man.

             We also meet the character Natalie, she is seen at the beginning as a.

             friend or possibly a girlfriend to Leonard. But as the movie continues the.

             audience realizes that her intentions aren't out of kindness. She is.

             spiteful because she knows what Leonard really did and she also knows that.

             he won't remember what happened which she takes advantage of. Natalie sets.

             up the character Teddy and convinces Leonard that he is John G., the man.

             that killed his wife. The most shocking character to learn more about was.

             Leonard. At the beginning it seems that he has found John G., Teddy, but as.

             the story continues the audience sees where Leonard has gained all the.

             things he has such as the Jaguar he drives, the nice khaki suit he always.

             has on, and also the money he has which he claims he has because of the.

             life insurance he had on his wife when she died. Leonard believes all of.

             this was his before the accident. He thinks that nothing has changed.

             including himself, after repeating "I'm Leonard Shelby. I'm from San.

             Francisco" Teddy states "No, that's who you were. Maybe it's time you.

             started investigating yourself" (Memento). This quote from Teddy shows that.

             Leonard isn't who he used to be.

             In reality we find out that Leonard killed Natalie's boyfriend who was.

             a drug dealer. He believed that Natalie's boyfriend was John G. because.

             Teddy told him so. Though Leonard knows he will not remember, "I have to.

             believe in a world outside my own mind. I have to believe that my actions.

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