Christopher Nolan's Memento

            Imagine living life and not being able to remember what happened ten.

             It's like walking down the beach and the water comes in and.

             erases the footprints like one had never been there. This is the life of.

             Leonard Shelby. He goes by notes, pictures, and tattoos that cover his.

             chest, arms, and legs. This is the reality of Leonard Shelby's life we are.

             shown. Christopher Nolan made his audience experience what the main.

             character, Leonard, was going through. In this paper the film will be.

             compared to the short story by Jonathan Nolan which had a similar.

             storyline. By playing the movie backwards he left us sitting anxiously to.

             see what would happen next, if we could trust the same character through.

             the whole film, and if Leonard even remembered as much as he claimed from.

             his past before the accident. None of this would be possible if it weren't.

             for the way it was told and the perspective it was told from.

             At the beginning of the film it is seen that Leonard kills a man of.

             whom we do not know. Right off the bat it is believed that a large part of.

             the plot is given away but this is not the case. If it wasn't for the way.

             Christopher Nolan directed the film it would have been too predictable. The.

             audience is put in the same position as the main character to show how.

             Leonard feels throughout not only the movie but it can be imagined as his.

             whole life. The main point of the story that is being told is that this.

             man, Leonard, is trying to find the man that raped then killed his wife.

             The same man is also the one who caused Leonard's memory problem. His name.

             is John G. The director, Christopher Nolan, chose this way to tell.

             Leonard's story for that exact reason. He wanted his audience to feel.

             confused, betrayed, and angry just as Leonard had throughout his different.

             discoveries but with another outlook on them. Every time Leonard interacts.

             with Teddy, Natalie, or another character he states, "I have this.

             condition" (Memento 2000).

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