Social Group Inequalities in Canada

These social groups earned and still generally earn far less than the average white Canadian citizen. Till this day, gender still defines economical differences, putting women below men with regards to financial earnings. Further more, women in Canada are still dependent on men for financial support as it is the men which earn more, and consequently occupy the majority of the top 1% earners of Canada. In addition to ongoing gender inequalities, newly admitted immigrants and aboriginal people earn far less than the white Canadian due to strict educational accreditation of foreign diplomas, racism, social profiling, and social preferences on behalf of employers. Racialized Canadians are ongoing victims of social and economical deprivation due to preferential systems in the work field, forcing these competent candidates to work in the labor field and live in low-income neighborhoods or secluded deprived areas with little financial opportunity.

             As an ongoing social and economical problem in Canada, these inequalities are evidently worth being improved or changed, however, whether these changes should be morally obligated is the question. To begin, we may examine Peter Singer's main ideology, "if we can prevent something bad from happening, without sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, then we ought, morally, to do so.

             This principle can be linked with the social group inequalities of Canada examined in the Broadbent Institute report. Having already acknowledged that these inequalities are a problem in the nation, Singer's principle may be used as a guide for improvement. Social group inequalities are economically degrading for the country in general as well as degrading to a personal level to those who are affected, hence making it a bad thing to have in a country. .

             However, one must keep in mind that mainly racialized and new immigrants run the labor work force to Canada, and by eliminating social group inequalities, we might sacrifice many labor working employments.

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