Social Group Inequalities in Canada

            The search for a Utopian lifestyle on planet Earth has been the concern of most humans during the course of humanity itself. Immigration and emigration are both everlasting proof of some of the methods humans go through in order to establish newer and enhanced lifestyles, leaving behind misery and lack of opportunity. It is evident to the twenty first century inhabitant, that utopia or a Utopian society is practically impossible to reach. Rather than Utopian characteristics in our society, one can notice wars, illnesses, poverty, famine, disease and notably, inequalities. Inequalities are a major factor which unfortunately cause unhappiness and social separations as well as affect economic growth. .

             Following the release of the Broadbent Institute report in October 2012, "Towards a More Equal Canada, A Report on Canada's Economic and Social Inequality ", which covers the social and economic inequalities in present day Canada, one can easily be more aware of the problems that the Canadian people face due to unequal factors. In the report, several inequalities are covered including the shrinking of the middle class, the elites capturing growth, greater and increasing income gaps, inequality of wealth, and social group inequalities. Focusing on social group inequalities and using various philosophical principles, we are able to determine the validity and moral importance of this growing problem through the ideologies of Singer, Libertarianism, Utilitarianism, and sufficiency principles.

             According to the Broadbent Institute report, different social groups have been suffering inequalities in Canada since the nineteen sixties. Social groups such as aboriginal peoples, women, people with disabilities, immigrants, and people from deprived communities or provinces have been targets of unequal social and economical separation from the more fortunate Canadian population, notably the euro descendant man.

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