Journey into Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome doesn't have to hinder your goals in life.


             My interview with M. Edmonds was intriguing. I learned that she was first diagnosed at age 5. I was surprised she had Asperger's because according to Barlow and Durand (2012), it is more prevalent in boys than in girls so she felt unique to me and the average diagnosis age is 11 years. Prevalence of Asperger's Syndrome is between 1 and 2 per 10,000 (Barlow & Durand 2012). When asked of her how she describes herself she responded back "as a smart young lady with big dreams." Our interview started out as awkward because she sat across the room from me until she began to become comfortable, I know we work together but never have we ever had a conversation revolved around her. According to Barlow and Durand (2012), people with Asperger's usually have high IQ's with limited interests and exhibit clumsiness and poor coordination. With that said my interviewee displays those characteristics. When she walks, it is as if she is running. She is very interested in time as well; she can tell you what time it is across the world followed by the military time. M. Edmonds is a person diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome not a person with Asperger's. Your sickness or disorder shouldn't define who you are as a person.


             According to Minzenberg and Yoon (2008), some individuals with Asperger's display deficits in pragmatic language. They may use overly formal language within a conversation. As with my interviewee, she uses slightly formal language than today's time, I sometimes use slang in having a conversation so I often had to stop and explain what I said and as did she. Most that are diagnosed display insensitivity to other people's feelings and have unusual or unmatched emotion to an issue. As with my interviewee, she is blunt when it comes to someone asking her a question. She has been getting many complaints from customers due to this, they do not understand her.

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