Journey into Asperger's Syndrome

            What is Asperger's Syndrome? How can you distinguish between a child with AS or Autism - is there such a method? AS is an acronym that stands for Asperger's syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome is considered to be a variant of autism rather than a distinct disorder on its own (Minzenberg & Yoon 2008). Asperger's is considered to be equivalent to high functioning autism. Asperger's syndrome was coined by the psychologist, Hans Asperger, in 1944 (Barlow & Durand 2012). Lorna Wing recommended in the 1980s for Asperger's to be reconsidered as a separate disorder from autism due to the limited interests emphasized in Asperger's. Having Asperger's Syndrome doesn't mean you are cast out of society, but many feel people with Asperger's Syndrome are weird loners with unusual interests and inappropriate behaviors. Below I want to further discuss the questions formed about Asperger's Syndrome with associated features, possible complications, age of onset, and every factor, cause and patterns Asperger's have been found to display in people diagnosed.


             What is Asperger's Syndrome? It's a severe impairment in expressive and receptive language development, social interaction with restricted interests (DSM-IV-TR). Another definition according to Kaplan & Sadock (2009), impairment in social interaction, insensitivity to other people's feelings, unmatched emotion to a situation, restricted interests, and their approach is inappropriate. During my interview with M. Edmonds, I noticed some of those diagnosable criteria in her. She could take all day about business and the aspect of running a business. She never looked me in the eye during the interview she only looked to the side of me. I work with the person I interviewed so I have noticed a lot with her. Her initial approach is whenever you come near her she gets back ten feet but when she comes near you, she is closer than two feet. She has an interest in business; her major in college is business.

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