a rose for emily

" "(Faulkner 93) Homer Barron was a well-liked man around town he would be the center of attention. The town's people took notice that Homer Barron and Miss Emily would be seen driving around town on a yellow-wheeled buggy.


             The two would be seen around town together and became the talk of the town when they would go out. The town's people were glad that she had found a man that she liked for they all thought she was going to be alone the rest of her life. Soon as the sidewalks in town were finished Homer Barron left town and never came around to visit again. After this Emily would not leave the house. She would send her servant into town to receive her groceries. One of the last times she was seen out of her house again was seen by the pharmacist to buy some arsenic. The pharmacist questioned her of the use of the poison and she would tell him, so he figured she would kill herself with the poison. Miss Emily doesn't kill herself with the poison. .


             Homer came back to visit Emily one day a neighbor seen him going into the house "and that was the last we saw of Homer Barron. And Ms. Emily for some time. Emily was rarely seen after this she became fat and her hair turned gray. Until Emily's death at the age of seventy-four the front door of the house remained closed to everyone. "When Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral; the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant a combined gardener and cook had seen the in at least ten years. "(Faulkner 91) The towns people while inside of Emily's house went into a room upstairs that had not been open for forty years. Inside the room they found the room furnished for a bridal along with the body of Homer Barron. .


             As a child Emily was controlled by her father. He feared that the men she associated with were not good enough for his daughter so he would run them off.

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