a rose for emily

            "A Rose for Emily" represents a Southern Gothic literature story. A southern Gothic story is considered to be full of suspense, surprises and depicts life in the south. "A Rose for Emily" has every one of these theme of a southern Gothic story. The story took place in the south. Emily was known to the town as a strange old woman. She rarely would leave the house and was very rude to others. The suspense in the story shows when Ms. Emily goes to the druggist and buys arsenic. The druggist figured she would poison herself after her lover Homer had left her, but she never committed suicide. .


             In the story "A Rose for Emily", "Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of obligation upon the town" "(Faulkner 91) the quote from the passage refers to the mayor of the town Colonol Sartoris remitted her taxes. Colonal Sartoris allowed Miss Emily not to pay her taxes to the town. When the mayor Colonol Sartoris died the new mayor of the town required everybody to start paying their taxes. Emily refused to pay her taxes because of the previous agreement the town had with her father. The new Mayor wrote her himself asking her to come to the sheriff's office. Emily wrote back to the Mayor saying that to the effect she no longer left her house. Emily would send her negro servant into town for her. .


             Emily's father, before he died, was very picky about what boys he would allow his daughter to see. All of the men that Emily would bring home, her father would disagree and think they were not good enough for his daughter. When her father died Emily became very sick because he was the only man who had ever been in her life. .


             The summer after Emily's father had past, the town she was living in contracted with a construction company with a foreman a man by the name of Homer Barron to pave the sidewalks in town. "Homer Barron was a Yankee, a big, dark, ready man, with a voice and eyes lighter than his face.

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