Guest Comment Cards: Worth the Investment?

             whether or not the new generation of comment cards are an improvement.

             or not from the past.

             According to a study made by Highland Business Research there are two.

             major problems with guest comment cards. The first problem they discovered.

             with comment cards is too little genuine insight. Through the study made,.

             they discovered that companies are able to get information back from.

             comment cards, but the information they receive is usually not very useful.

             A comment made about comment cards from highland Business Research is,.

             "they do a lot of collecting, but struggle to get very little in the way of.

             actionable insight." The research made also discovered that most people.

             that fill out comment cards are those that had an extremely positive or.

             extremely negative experience. Those guests in the middle almost never.

             fill out a comment card, and most often there are more of those guests in.

             the middle than any of the other two.

             The second problem with comment cards found in this Highland Business.

             study was that they do not give a good insight on market needs or.

             competitive activity. During the study they discussed that through.

             comment cards only a select few guest give their opinion and it is not.

             enough information to generalize the entire industry.When talking about.

             opinions the study made a valid argument when asking the question,.

             "What about all those potential customers who never even make it.

             through the doors?".

             It is easy to find the negative in comment cards, but just as easy to.

             find the positive. According to the hospitality journalist Monica Parpal,.

             "Customer comment cards are valid feedback tools. Providing customers with.

             the opportunity to comment shows that you value opinions and wish to.

             improve the product and service." Monica focuses on three benefits given.

             through the use of comment cards: Builds better customer relationships,.

             ability to gain marketing information, and provide emotional outlets. In.

             the article it gives several ideas on how to improve comment cards and how.

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