Guest Comment Cards: Worth the Investment?

            The hospitality industry is base on satisfied customers.

             are satisfied with the service they return.

             returning the business will become a success. Hospitality businesses use.

             several different methods in trying to determine how satisfied guests are,.

             and what things they can do to satisfy guest even more. One of the most.

             common methods in accomplishing these two tasks is through guest comment.

             cards. Guest comment cards are almost mandatory in all hotels, however,.

             many people argue that the cards are not worth the effort and give small.

             value to the company. Guest comment cards are used by almost everyone, but.

             are they truly worth the investment? With modern technology, guest comment.

             cards have changed dramatically. With the changes made, comment cards have.

             become even more controversial about whether or not they are worth the.

             money used.

             When deciding about whether guest comment cards are worth the.

             investment or not, it is important to look at all different angles.

             Studies have shown that different companies have different success from.

             comment cards, and that it is important that each company does its own.

             research on whether or not comment cards will be a success. If the company.

             decides to use comment cards, they first must come up with a business plan.

             on how to execute them and get the most value out of them. The body of.

             this report generalizes the guest comment cards and looks at them from all.

             different angles. .

             The first angle looked at is the negative aspect of business cards.

             and some reasons why they are not worth the effort. The second part.

             will discuss some of the positive features that business cards.

             can add to any company. Once the pros and cons have been discussed, the.

             report will look at a study from a non bias research made about the comment.

             cards. The research is about whether or not comment cards can be a success.

             and what they say to do, to have success. To finish the report, it will.

             cover how technology has had a role in changing comment cards and about.

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