The Minimum Wage Debate

             expenses can total up to one thousand, one hundred dollars per month. There.

             is also an average of seven hundred dollars for expenses such as taxes and.

             miscellaneous bills. This becomes a total of three thousand, five hundred.

             and fifty dollars per month. This number was an average total study, done.

             by, to show the average cost of living of a single person living on.

             his or her own in the state of New Jersey. This average makes it clear that.

             a person must make a minimum income of three thousand, six hundred dollars.

             per month. When broken down, 3,600 multiplied by twelve months is 43,200.

             Furthermore, if you take the 3,600 per month and divide it by the minimum.

             wage, currently 7.25, the total turns out to be 496.5 hours of work to come.

             up with that amount of money. There are on average about seven hundred and.

             twenty hours in a month. Furthermore, to live a comfortable life, a person.

             would be spending close to seventy percent of his or her life working to.

             make ends meet. Now, these numbers do not factor in emergencies or other.

             unpredictable things such as hospital visits, illnesses, family.

             emergencies, car repairs, and so on.


             Even though many people would say that raising the minimum wage is.

             much needed, some would also disagree and debate that issue. To many people.

             who work fifty hours per week, the increase in pay would be close to fifty.

             dollars. However, based off of an article "Opinion: Unintended consequences.

             of a minimum-wage hike", written by Montclair State University professor,.

             Luis San Vicente Portes, minimum wage can simply just continue the never-.

             ending cycle of controversy. In the article, Luis San Vicente Portes.

             explains that raising the minimum wage may not be the best solution.

             Raising the minimum wage has a direct correlation with raising the.

             unemployment rate with regards into hiring new workers. It may also mean.

             the increase in the cost of living in the United States. All of these.

             factors have a direct correlation to one another.

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