The Minimum Wage Debate

            Many people say, "The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.

             quote is often said these days due to the economic downfall and crisis.

             happening in the United States. One of the only ways to make due is by.

             working relentlessly day in and day out. Today's minimum wage simply is not.

             cutting it anymore, especially if you reside in the state of New Jersey.

             With the cost of living going up, it is safe to say that there must be a.

             raise in minimum wage in order to keep the quality of life stable. However,.

             not very many people agree with the raise in minimum wage being the.

             resolution to any economic issues. In fact, increasing the minimum wage.

             could possibly hurt us.


             New Jersey is by far one of the most expensive states in many aspects.

             across the board and in any category. With many people living day-to-day.

             and paycheck-to-paycheck, it is safe to say that the place minimum wage is.

             right now is not working for most of New Jersey's residents. For example,.

             let us take a look at a simple month of living in New Jersey from.

             '' One person living on their own can accrue a total of two.

             hundred and fifty dollars to three hundred fifty dollars in groceries per.

             month. If a person owns an economical car that is paid off, with an average.

             commute of one thousand miles per month, and with gas prices fluctuating up.

             and down, that person's total in gas expenses can average one hundred and.

             sixty dollars per month. The average insurance premium in New Jersey is one.

             hundred and thirty dollars. However, keep in mind that New Jersey is placed.

             second highest in auto insurance rates in the entire United States. The.

             combined average for water, utilities, electric and miscellaneous expenses,.

             totals up to three hundred and fifty dollars. The average in rent in a.

             typical, suburban area totals nine hundred dollars per month. Moving on,.

             the lowest average of expenses for miscellaneous activities such as eating.

             and drinking, cable/internet/phone lines, leisure activities, and leisure.

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