The Bible and the Christian Worldview

             worldwide flood. God provided detailed instructions for the building of.

             this ark, including the length, width, height and interior design. Genesis.

             6:15-16 illustrates the specificity of God's design, "And this is the.

             fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three.

             hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty.

             cubits. A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in it a cubit shalt thou.

             finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side.

             thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it" (KJV).

             Noah began this project relying on his faith in God's promise of the flood,.

             and, like many projects scientists today begin with their clients, this ark.

             took years to complete and required many measurements with various.

             instruments to obtain the exact dimensions God required.


             This is similar to the charge of the Christian counselor, to help.

             one's client achieve Christlike change. Counselors must constantly monitor.

             client's successes, testing and retesting their hypotheses, measuring.

             levels of improvement and adjusting their treatment levels until success is.

             achieved. The psychological sciences use measurement to explain variables.

             Four scales of measurement are directly related to the types of statistics.

             that are utilized to evaluate psychological data. The four types according.

             to Garzon (n.d.) and Jackson (2008) are nominal, ordinal, interval and.

             ratio. Noah's measurements would have required precision to complete the.

             ark to God's specification; therefore, counselor's should follow his.

             example exercising the same exacting care when utilizing instruments to.

             assess their client's.


             Exodus 18:13-27.


             Jethro provides modern man with an excellent example of program.

             evaluation or formative evaluation. This type of evaluation attempts to.

             make organizations more efficient in their delivery of services and.

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