The Bible and the Christian Worldview

            Many wonder whether biblical figures utilized the scientific method.

             or if it is appropriate to apply the scientific method to God's word. For.

             those who have an integrated Christian worldview and acknowledge that God.

             created man in His own image, all knowledge is general knowledge given from.

             God. Therefore Christians can choose to believe that God has provided the.

             necessary information in His Word for scientists to develop the scientific.

             method. By reading the biblical stories one can see that the Adam, Noah,.

             Jethro and Daniel all demonstrated the use of scientific concepts and that.

             these concepts were given to them from God. None of these men had prior.

             knowledge of classification, measurement, program evaluation or research.

             methodology. God used common, ordinary men to teach mankind extraordinary.

             lessons that have proved to be timeless. Francis Bacon may have learned the.

             scientific method from his study of the Bible (Treece, n.d.).

             Genesis 2:19-20.


             God instructed Adam to name every living creature that was created.

             "And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air and to every.

             beast of the field" (Genesis 2:20, KJV). Classification is the process of.

             naming and categorizing the creatures God created. defines.

             classification as "the placing of animals and plants in a series of.

             increasingly specialized groups because of similarities in structure,.

             origin, molecular composition, etc. that indicate a common relationship".

             Adam was able to see which animals were similar and dissimilar and placed.

             them into appropriate categories of birds, fish, domestic and wild beast.

             He was even able to discriminate, determining there was none like him. The.

             knowledge of classification was divine knowledge, given to Adam by God.


             Genesis 6:12-22.


             God instructed Noah to build an ark intended to save he and his.

             family and a representative sampling of the animals on the planet from a.

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