The Three Turning Points of World War II

. . Nimitz was able to turn the tables and surprise the Japanese fleet5. .

             The Battle of Britain was a second major turning point, because on the Western Front, the Luftwaffe's inability to vanquish the British Royal Air Force (RAF), in the Battle of Britain, made it impossible for the Germans to gain control of the English Channel6. It is often said, about the Battle of Britain, that "never in the field of human conflict was so much owed, by so many, to so few"7. According to Dr. Chris Bellamy: "It is widely believed that had the Germans succeeded in their aim of destroying the RAF, they would have been able to invade Britain relatively easily"8. According to "Battle of Britain": .

             The Battle of Britain was an air battle between the German Luftwaffe and the.

             British Royal Air Force (July 10, 1940-May 10, 1941), in which the RAF saved.

             Britain from invasion and dealt Germany its first major defeat in World War II.9 .

             As Prime Minister Winston Churchill said, in a speech to the House of Commons before the Battle of Britain began: "Upon this battle . . . depends . . . our institutions and our Empire. . . . if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States . . . will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age . . .10" According to Wikipedia, "the Battle of Britain was the first major battle to be fought entirely in the air"11. To conquer England, Hitler planned an invasion, which would be preceded by intensive aerial attacks by the Luftwaffe intended to destroy the Royal Air Force (RAF) and gain air superiority12.Results of the Battle of Britain told Hitler that the Germans would not in fact be able to achieve their much hoped-for air superiority over Southern England and therefore could not invade a naval force so much larger than theirs13. If Germany had perhaps focused its efforts more on British airfields, not cities, as it did instead, Britain's air force could have been decimated by the Germans, therefore leaving England completely helpless from the air14.

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