The Three Turning Points of World War II

             There were many significant turning points in World War II, within which, had they not happened as they did, the outcome of World War itself could, arguably, have been much different1. In particular, many of the key battles fought during World War II; between the Americans and the Japanese; Germany and North Africa; Germany and England; Germany and Russia, or elsewhere, could arguably be considered the three most significant. Some of these would including the Battle of Kursk; the Battle of El Alemain; and the Battle of Moscow2. However, it is my opinion that the three major turning points of World War II, which played the biggest roles in the war's turning out as it did, were: (1) The Battle of Midway; (2) the Battle of Britain, and (3) the Battle of Stalingrad. In this essay, I will analyze these three key battles, and their importance to the outcome of World War II.

             The first of the three key turning points was the Battle of Midway3. If not for the Battle of Midway, which took place at Midway Island in the Pacific Ocean, the United States likely would not have been able to stave off the encroaching Japanese. According to "Battle of Midway", this battle:.

             represents the strategic high water mark of Japan's Pacific Ocean war. Prior to this .

             action, Japan possessed general naval superiority over the United States and could .

             usually choose where and when to attack. After Midway, the two opposing fleets were .

             essentially equals, and the United States soon took the offensive4.The Japanese never resumed the offensive after Midway. This defeat also substantially lessened their morale. According to "Battle of Midway June 4-7 1942: .

             The Japanese had enjoyed some success in their attacks on the Aleutians, but at Midway they met disaster . . . they were depending on a surprise attack as they had at Pearl Harbor six months before. What they did not know was that American cryptologists had broken their naval codes.

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