The Great's Last Plans of Alexander

In chapter 18.4.1-6 of his Bibliotheca historica (of World history), Diadorus quotes the Last Plans of Alexander. The following were the largest and most remarkable of the plans. (Quote).

             „h It was intended to build 1,000 warships larger than triremes in Phoenicia, Syria, Cilicia and Cyprus for the expedition against the Carthaginians and the other inhabitants of the coastal area of Africa, Iberia and the neighboring coasts as far as Sicily; to build a coastal road in Africa as far as the Pillars of Heracles (Straits of Gibraltar), and, as required by such a large expedition, to build harbors and shipyards at suitable places; .

             „h to build six expensive temples at a cost of 315 ton silver each (the temples just mentioned were to be built at Delos, Delphi and Dodona, and in Macedonia there was to be a temple of Zeus at Dion, one of Artemis Tauropolus at Amphipolis, and at Cyrnus one of Athena); .

             „h in addition, to settle cities and transplant populations from Asia to Europe and vice versa from Europe to Asia, to bring the largest continents through intermarriage and ties of kinship to a common harmony and feeling of friendship. .

             „h Likewise there was to be built at Troy a temple of Athena which could never be excelled in size by any other. .

             „h A tomb for his father Philip was to be constructed which would be as large as the greatest pyramids in Egypt, which some reckon among the Seven Wonders of the World. (Unquote).


             Diodorus is believed to have used Cleitarchus of Alexandria's' writings as the main source of information on Alexander. Diodorus and Cleitarchus have both proved to be not very trustworthy historians. Diodorus accounts are often confused and at times simply wrong.

             Alexander is said to have given his ring, as a mark of succession, to Perdiccas, but in effect Alexander's empire was divided among a host of powerful generals.

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