The Great's Last Plans of Alexander

            Alexander the Great can be regarded as one of the best general and ruler the world has ever known. For the period in which Alexander lived achieving control over the whole world known to the Greeks at the time is a feat that has no parallel in human history. Conquering so many different countries with people of different races, religions and language gave Alexander a new outlook that can be regarded as a truly international. .

             His remarks such as, "All mortals should live like one, united and peacefully working towards the common good. You should regard the whole world as your country, a country where the best govern, with common laws and no racial distinction. I do not separate people, as many narrow minded others do. I am not interested in the origin or race of citizens; I only distinguish them on the basis of their virtue. For my part, I consider all, whether they be white or black, equal [Lahanas, 2006]" make us admire the man even more as to rule over subjects belonging to different nationalities require the kind of treatment so ably demonstrated by Alexander the Great in this famous quote.

             Alexander the Greats' achievement in controlling huge armies, establishing his rule on the conquered lands and ruling the people with a mix of benevolence and iron hand created affection for him throughout the conquered territories. Alexander died at the very young age of 31 years and his dreams of ruling over the empire he created were not fulfilled. .

             Alexander's 'Last Plans' have reached us through Diodorus Siculus, who wrote a comprehensive history of the period as Bibliotheca historica in the first century B.C. The original book was in 40 volumes. Only 15 of the volumes survived the scourge of time, parts of the remaining 25 volumes have been recovered. Diodorus was an admirer of Alexander and Diadochi, Alexander successor. Books 18-20 compiled by Diodorus Siculus (Diadorus of Sicily) records the history of Diadochi.

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