Difference in The Supply Chain of B2B and B2C Website

             E-Business implies revolution of the vital business processes via the usage of Internet technologies. The Internet is transforming every facet our daily lives and is hard to find any other area which is going through as fast and remarkable change, as the manner in which businesses function. When businesses espouse Internet technologies into their main processes, they begin to reap real business value. Companies irrespective of their size are utilizing the benefits of the Internet to establish communication with their partners besides connecting with their back-end data systems and transacting commerce. (Business to Consumer E-Commerce) .

             Points of difference in the Supply Chain of B2B website and B2C website: .

             The most important difference between B2B and B2C lies in the role of the B2B website in Internet terms. B2B websites is concerned mainly with Supply Chain Management -- SCM. SCMs constitute web portals that facilitate businesses to enter business transactions directly with their suppliers and distributors in an online manner thereby permitting electronic transfer of orders, preparation of invoices and also payments. Wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers come under this group. On the other hand, B2C websites constitute intermediary portals to connect customers to suppliers. Among the leading ones are ebay.com which is an auction site, yell.com a yellow page website and ZDNet.com which is a technology marketplace. Transactions of the above business happen on the Internet and hence known as e-business. B2C is concerned with the objective of selling to the end user. Normally these are websites like amazon.com, which is the world largest virtual bookstore, which sell goods to the end user. Thus a B2B website deals mainly with other businesses whereas a B2C site provides products to the end user. (What is the difference between B2B and B2C?) .

             Even though any e-business solution is a unique one; it boils down to the categorization level of either B2B or B2C.

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