Nigeria Labor Practices and Policies


             Collective bargaining is widespread in many sectors of the economy. Nigerian law specifically the Nigerian Industrial Courts, an independent arm of the judiciary protects workers from retaliation by employers for labor activity.

             In terms of the protection of Nigerian Children against child labor, Nigeria's 1974 labor decree prohibits employment of children under 15 years of age in commerce and industry and restricts other child labor to home-based agricultural or domestic work. The law further stipulates that no person under the age of 16 may be employed for more than eight hours per day. The decree allows the apprenticeship of youths under specific conditions .

             Labor laws in Nigeria also enforce strict compliance on the safety of its workers. Just compensation for injured workers and dependent survivors of those killed in industrial accidents are rigorously being imposed on employers.

             Cultural Attitude Towards Women and Children .

             As in many ethnically diverse countries, women's role in Nigeria is based on ethnic and regional differences. Majority of the Nigerian women that are still secluded under Islamic beliefs and principles are commonly less educated and sometimes hindered from formal education. Most of urban Nigerian Women are working as stall vendors operating small stalls. Even in elite families of the society, Nigerian women's presence in social gatherings and other functions are either non-existent or very controlled. However, in contemporary times Nigerian women's presence in modern society is rising but is still a long foreseeable future for Nigerian women's role in a country dominated by the principles of old of the male gender. .

             Children are treated as a part of the minority of the society. As mentioned on labor laws being enforced by the government, children are allowed to work providing they are not below 16 years old. In western nations the legal working age of children or minors are 18 and above, this fact just shows that opportunities for children to work is open at a younger age in Nigeria.

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