Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy


             Social Needs: this set includes desire to develop healthy and positive relationships with others. Man, being a social animal, needs to feel loved and for this reason it is important for him to associate and mingle with others.

             Ego Esteem Needs: Maslow is of the view that in order to gain a sense of self-worth, man wants to be respected by others around him including colleagues, friends and family. If man is not accorded due respect, there is a possibility that he would turn into a helpless and worthless being.

             Self-Actualization: this is by far the most fascinating concept that Maslow mentioned in his theory. He is of the view that when man has taken care of all his previous set of needs, he would then try to engage in some worthy cause or vocation. According to Maslow, self-actualization is a life-long process. .

             Salespersons play the most crucial role in the success of a product or service since they convince the customer about the veracity of advertisements and reinforce the image that was created by the same. Salespersons can make or break a product with their attitude and their ability or lack of it thereof to win customers. A customer may be drawn to a product because of what he sees on TV or other advertising channels but it is the salesperson either at the showroom or store or the door to door sellers who do the most important job and convince the customers that the product is as good as it was made out to be. Higher sales of a product or service are very often directly connected with salesperson's performance. However the performance in its turn is connected with one's level of motivation. The more motivated a salesperson is, the more sales he is likely to make. It is the job of sales manager to ensure that his sales team stays in high motivation mode. Most organizations understand this connection between performance and motivation. However the real problem lies in motivation strategies.

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