The Negative Effects of Air Pollution

Furthermore, with effect from 1.4.2000, Bharat Stage-I norms, which are similar to Euro-I norms, have been launched all over the country. Also, in Delhi, Bharat Stage-II norms, which foresee a sulphur content of 0.05% maximum for petrol and diesel both, as against higher amounts under Bharat Stage-I, have been launched; these norms are also being launched in the other three metropolitan cities namely Mumbai, Calcutta and Chennai in a gradual mode. The ministry of Railways manages the Railways Act 1989. (Economic aspects of sustainable development in India).

             In order to promote use of environment-friendly fuel like CNG, LPG etc., the ministry of Finance offers tax incentives. An inter-Ministerial Committee to spell out the road map for future emission norms for the country is chaired by the Chairman of Central Pollution Control Board. With reference to safety norms, rules and regulations for all aspects of Railway working including Safety, Operations and Maintenance of assets, the ministry of Railways has its own procedures. The use of environmental-friendly fuel like CNG, LPG, fuel cell etc for automotive purposes has been legislated in August 2000. In order to regulate road transport for improved energy efficiency and pollution control, and to make the mass transport network feasible through a rational tariff policy and a refurbishment of the fleet, the government is taking steps. To tackle the increasing necessities of the overseas trade, the capacity of the ports in terms of their berths and cargo handling equipment are being enhanced. To carry higher segments of the sea based trade in native bottoms, the shipping industry needs to be facilitated. (Economic aspects of sustainable development in India).

             American Public Transportation Association or APTA has over 1,300 member organizations that comprises of transit systems; planning, design, construction and finance firms; product and service providers; academic institutions; transit associations and state departments of transportation and it is a nonprofit international association.

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