The Negative Effects of Air Pollution

(PROACT Fact Sheet).

             Comparison of Environmental regulations in public transit in America and an Asian country:.

             For the study of an Asian country, we shall look at India. Vehicles like cars, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, trucks and buses are the major source of pollution in India's cities. Efforts taken to advance and promote the use of public transportation are minimal even though there have been small efforts in moving towards unleaded fuel. Buses for commuters are inadequately maintained and Railways have been ignored. The inferior quality vehicles produced by tempo, truck private bus manufacturers regularly exceed emission norms. Personal cars would not be precedence in a socialist economy. In place of private cars, suitable significance should be given to growing the rail network and enhancing the quality of buses and goods transport vehicles. Regrettably, the attraction with private ownership and support of private enterprise is hard to be wrecked by a majority in the environmental movement. Hence, societies make little, or very sluggish progress in solving these pressing concerns. High density of India's population is the cause for many of India's environmental disagreements. While Europe was able to relieve the pressure of its mushrooming population through colonial occupations in America and Australia, India has limited choices because countries like the US and Australia have limited migration to a dribble. (Whose Environment is it?).

             More severe standards for vehicular emissions have been reported under the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, which came into effect in April 1996, to alleviate pollution issues in Indian cities. Ministry of Surface Transport is handling the 1988 Indian Motor Vehicle Act and the 1989 Central Motor Vehicle Rules. The utilization of environment-friendly fuels such as Compressed Natural Gas or CNG and Liquefied Petroleum Gas or LPG as auto-fuels has been legislated by Motor Vehicle Act, 2000.

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