The Primitive Economics of the Trobriand Islanders

Here cricket is not played in the way it is played in India or the West Indies, which are quite similar to British cricket. In many instances India and West Indies have performed better than the British who taught them cricket. Here the game has been changed to suit the local environment, and their requirements. The cricket teams here are very large and four to five times the size of teams in British cricket and generally consist of all males in a village clan. When they go to another village for a cricket match, they move in colorful costumes, dancing to their own music to the other village. This dancing spirit continues during the breaks that take place in the game and then they have dances in their own style and that is almost like being choreographed. The dances also bear reference to their own colonial past and demonstrate during the course of the dance that they have ever seen. This makes them even imitate the American bombers which came there during the Second World War. (Trobriand Cricket) .

             As we have seen earlier, the chief is the person who keeps giving out gifts and thus imposes burdens on the participants. This is done regularly and at all opportunities so that everybody is obliged to him. This happens during dancing, merry making or communal working. During earlier times when there were wars between different groups, the chief had to first call his headmen and during that time also gifts would be given. Then there would be a ceremonial gathering when the entire assembled crowd would be given food and that includes their favored pig's flesh, along with betel nuts and coconuts. During the course of war also the chief had to supply his warriors with food. Thus a very important part of their life is also the distribution of food on almost all occasions. (The Primitive Economics of the Trobriand Islanders) Colonialism was not very different for the people in this group, as they are subservient to a number of authorities from their own groups in any case.

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