The Primitive Economics of the Trobriand Islanders

             In this case the example of the economic life of the Trobriand Islanders has been taken and they are a tribal group living on a coral archipelago near the north east coast of New Guinea. This tribal group is like other South Sea Islanders of the Melanesian origin, and they have a well developed method of chieftainship, an excellent ability in different crafts and an excellent level of art. They are certainly not savages. According to general measures of culture they are representative of one level but certainly inferior to the tribes of Polynesians, North American Indians, Africans and Indonesians. Yet even they are well organized in terms of economics. The chief in the Triobrands had general rights over all the land in the area, and within the district. This gives him a title of master, and accordingly he is able to exercise some rights like deciding which of the lands are to be cultivated, a general arbitration in disputes regarding land, and other such matter. (The Primitive Economics of the Trobriand Islanders).

             At the same time there is a garden magician who is also called the master of the garden and he also functions for different areas required for gardening in that society. Exactly the same title is also available for some notables or sub-chiefs who also have to carry out certain duties for the land. Apart from all these owners there is also a person within the village community or another person who has the responsibility who is said to own the land. He can use the plot himself or give it on lease to somebody else and the lease payment method is quite complex. Apart from all these garden plots, the chief, magician and the important individuals also own a number of plots. ((The Primitive Economics of the Trobriand Islanders) This makes it clear that the society there is quite different from the society that we are used to. .

             There used to be constant fights between tribal groups in the beginning of the century, and this led to the missionaries then starting the playing of cricket as a substitute for the local wars.

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