How Greed Despoils Capitalism

Without capitalism we would not have cars, railroads, or computers in America today.

             "The Rebel Sell: If We All Hate Consumerism, How Come We Can"t Stop Shopping?".

             The behavior of the consumers in a free market system has a far-reaching effect. In the article "The Rebel Sell: If We All Hate Consumerism, How Come We Can"t Stop Shopping?" Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter discuss the complicated free market system. Anti-consumerism has been a very popular philosophy among people of all walks of life, but statistics show that people keep being consumerists and continue indulging in consumer goods. Anti-consumerist movies like "American Beauty" and "Fight Club," and publications such as "Adbusters" are all very popular, but they also are part of the consumerist system. These are critiques of mass society, which appear to be anti-consumer, but actually enforce consumerism. The theory that capitalism requires conformity to succeed has been very popular, but these authors claim that it is just a theory that does not hold ground. Competitive consumerism is actually what creates waste. Legislation that would put a damper on the brand-wars that encourage competitive consumerism would be ending the fact that advertising is considered a tax-deductible expense.

             "Economies of Meaning.".

             David Korten shares his belief that the values of the free market system are not necessarily consistent with "the good life." Business policies and practices undermine justice and economic stability for the majority of the population. The American economy is not serving both our materialistic needs and our ethical and spiritual ones. Sacrificing the best interests of others, and the community and nation itself, is what gets the wealthy more money and success. Political agenda supports this corrupted society. There are many myths that contribute to this basic philosophy.

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