How Greed Despoils Capitalism

             Some businesspeople are greedy and do not have a conscience, however Wilder believes that capitalism does not necessarily require greed. According to Barbara Wilder in her article, "Greed Despoils Capitalism," ethical business practices are the only way that everyone does not come away a loser from business. Wilder believes that Adam Smith, the father of Western capitalism, would be outraged and disgusted by the unethical business practices that corporations have shown in recent years. Ethics, dignity, and character are associated, in an ideal world, with wealth and capitalism. Democracy and capitalism are philosophically mingled, and the American Dream itself depends on capitalism to thrive. Capitalism thrives through the people, regardless of the system at large, and the businesses and jobs that are created by a capitalistic system provide wealth for all. When big business CEOs are unethical, it is not the fault of capitalism, but rather a direct dismissal of the values of capitalism. The economy of the future must be based not on greed or fear, but on integrity and care for all humans.

             "The True Spirit of Enterprise.".

             While hugely successful entrepreneurs have often been criticized as ruthless, greedy, and unethical, some economists believe that the successful entrepreneurs of American history, such as Ford or Carnegie, are a symbol of the freemarket system. Many people believe that capitalism is inherently corrupt, and that the spirit of enterprise is equal to the spirit of greed. However, Don Matthews, in his article "The True Spirit of Enterprise," asserts that enterprise is about creativity, building, discovery, and innovating. Economic growth and development cannot exist without individuals creating wealth. The greatest American business leaders have been diverse, unique individuals, a sign that business and enterprise in America is diverse and available to all.

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