The U.S. Government Should Not Turn Away From Fossil Fuels

Putting up 53 windmills, each 400 feet high, "could dominate a landscape.and drop property values 20 to 40 percent," according to journalist Jack Spula of the Rochester City News. The noise from the spinning of the huge blades "can induce headaches and other health affects" for people living near them. The blades also kill "large numbers of birds" and create "dangerous ice throws," Spula writes. Meanwhile, each windmill requires 2 acres of land, and also, requires access roads, transmission corridors, and they need to be networked together for effective delivery of electricity to the grid.

             Hydro power is on the way out: Daniel Beard, head of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, "declared in 1994 that the era of large dam construction was over," according to energy expert Gavan McCormack, writing in Ecology and the World-System. Beard also said it would be "a serious mistake for any region of the world to use what we did on the Colorado and Columbia Rivers as examples to be duplicated." Yes, Japan and China and Vietnam are building humungous dam projects, but in Japan, for example, McCormack writes, "the costs of dam development over the last 40 years have greatly exceeded the benefits.".

             Global Warming Myths Exposed.

             Global warming is not going to get worse than it is (how bad it is now can be and should be seriously challenged anyway) because of a little drilling in a very tiny patch of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWAR).

             Patrick J. Michaels, writing in The Washington Times, points out how absurd the March 22 press release from the Green Party was: "Green Party members noted that new drilling not only threatened local lands and wildlife in Alaska, but also risked accelerating the advance of catastrophic global warming," the release announced.

             But Michaels, a Cato Institute fellow for senior environmental studies and author of the book, Meltdown: The Predictable Distortion of Global Warming by Scientists, Politicians and the Media, does the math on the topic.

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