The U.S. Government Should Not Turn Away From Fossil Fuels

             Government should NOT turn away from fossil fuels.

             Installing solar collectors on rooftops and insulating homes in America will not provide citizens and businesses with the energy needed to keep American strong. It is paramount that the U.S. continues to use fossil fuels. It"s a no-brainer, friends: if we shut down fossil fuel electrical generating plants, we shut down American industry; we also shut down computers, schools, hospitals, factories. And, according to the World Energy Council (, "cleaner fossil fuel systems mitigate and even neutralize the adverse consequences of the use of fossil fuels. [and] the technology for these systems is advancing rapidly.".

             Nuclear Power, wind power and hydro power are not the ultimate answer.

             Nuclear power is extremely dangerous and nuclear plants can get out of control: The Chernobyl nuclear accident in Russia in 1986 caused an estimated 4,229 deaths in the Ukraine, and unknown number of cancers throughout Europe, according to Dr. Richard Smart, Department of Nuclear Medicine at St. George hospital in Kogarah Australia. World renowned radiation expert Dr. Helen Caldicott – founder and president of Physicians for Social Responsibility – explains that plutonium, a by-product of nuclear fission, is "so carcinogenic that hypothetically half a kilo even distributed could cause cancer in everyone on earth." Also, five kilos of plutonium in the hands of a terrorist can make a sizable nuclear weapon; currently, there over 1,200 tons of plutonium are stored around the world near nuclear plant sites. Additionally, reprocessing spent fuel "causes deadly radiation releases into the environment that are a threat to public health" (Suzuki, 2004), according to Greenpeace of Japan. .

             Windmill farms, like the one proposed for upstate New York 60 miles south of Rochester, are not the solution when they are built near communities.

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