Establishment of Economic Societies

With the introduction of the wheel, transportation of food surplus, travel among members of societies, and an established form of transportation and military was established. Furthermore, with the introduction of language, written and oral, societies from different areas have become more organized and directly linked with each other. Societies, with the existence of transportation and communication, have further developed and become more elaborate, because of each society"s attempt to compete against another society.

             However, competition against other societies had also deterred the development of innovations and other new technologies in despotic societies. Take as an example the Mycenean civilization, which suppressed the development of writing-in fact, there had been a curtailment of communication in the society when there occurred a cultural decline in this particular Greek civilization. Apart from the curtailment of communication, transportation was only used for military purposes, specifically for use when waging wars and conflicts against other societies. From this example, the despotic character of this Western civilization brought about a decline in transportation and communication, utilized only for increasing the power and influence of the Greek leaders over other territories. This illustrates how innovations in material culture-that is, technology-were suppressed to benefit the powerful minority during the early periods and development of human societies.

             Part 3.

             The development of new technologies in Western civilization after the collapse of the Roman Empire can be attributed not on the fall, but the flourishing of cultures within the Empire during its early development. The Roman Empire was best known for establishing Roman law, developing the Latin language, and most especially, integrating Christianity in the lives of Romans. These achievements are just the important facets of the true character of the Roman Empire, which is an organized and continuously developing culture.

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