Impact of Tsunami on Sri Lanka and Rebuilding Sri Lanka

The Colombo Page News Desk reported that Clinton believed that long term rebuilding of the country would be challenging and that other countries should be prepared to spend more money in the region ("Clinton says rebuilding Sri Lanka will take 3-4 years"). Clinton added, "we have a lot of work to do - planning is underway but before people give the big money, they want to know how the money will be spent by category, and I expect to tell people that in every country affected (Clinton says rebuilding Sri Lanka will take 3-4 years).".

             The OXFAM briefing explains that in Sri Lanka approximately 31,000 people were killed and nearly 15,000 incurred injuries because of the tsunami (Sri Lanka after the tsunami.). Additionally, nearly 500,000 people were displaced, half of which are now being housed in relief camps. Many homes and schools were destroyed and over 400,000 lost jobs in the fishing industry and the hotel and tourism sectors because of the tsunami (Sri Lanka after the tsunami.). The tsunami increased employment from 9.2% to 20% (Sri Lanka after the tsunami.). .

             Indeed more than any of the other countries affected by the tsunami experts concede the Sri Lankan economy was most affected (Sri Lanka after the tsunami.). According the OXFAM briefing, "The tragic loss of lives will damage local economies for the foreseeable future. In terms of property, 22,940 fishing boats have been lost or damaged, constituting more than 80% of the country"s fishing vessels, and 10 out of 12 fishery harbors, including ice plants and marketing centers, have been damaged (Sri Lanka after the tsunami.).".

             The fishing industry is one of the most important industries in Sri Lanka. For this reason there have already been significant efforts directed at assisting this industry. An article released by the United Nations reports that in February of 2005 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) provided a $380,000 consignment of boat repair kits (UN takes first step in rebuilding Sri Lanka's.

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