Impact of Tsunami on Sri Lanka and Rebuilding Sri Lanka

             The Tsunami that occurred in December of 2004 devastated the countries that were affected directly and the entire world. There has been a huge outpour of support for the victims of the tsunami. The question now is how this support will be used to rebuild the countries that were so devastated by this natural disaster. For the purpose of this discussion, we will focus on the country of Sri Lanka and the challenges that the country faces as it attempts to rebuild in the wake of the Tsunami. These challenges include providing safe and sanitary shelter, rebuilding the country"s infrastructure, the existing conflict between the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, protecting women and children from predators and rebuilding the country"s economy, which was most effected by the disaster out of all the economies in the region. .

             Impact of Tsunami on Sri Lanka and Rebuilding Sri Lanka.

             According to an OXFAM Briefing note entitled "Sri Lanka after the tsunami: the challenges ahead" The December 2004 is the largest natural disaster that has ever occurred in Sri Lanka in recorded history. The article explains that the Tsunami destroyed 75% of Sri Lanka"s coastal strip. Reports of seismic activity also assert that the largest waves hit Sri Lanka ("Tsunami sequence shows."). .

             In addition, most of the country"s administrative districts were tremendously affected by the giant wave (Sri Lanka after the tsunami.). The article also explains that prior to the Tsunami years of war had resulted in 65,000 deaths and the destruction of much of the country"s infrastructure in the northeast region (Sri Lanka after the tsunami.). This situation creates a special challenge for Sri Lanka as it attempts to rebuild after the Tsunami (Sri Lanka after the tsunami.). .

             After visiting Sri Lanka for president Bill Clinton asserted that it would take three to four years to rebuild the infrastructure in the country ("Clinton says rebuilding Sri Lanka will take 3-4 years").

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