Major Model of the Universe

However, media being what it is nevertheless helped the term to quickly overtake the scientific community. The concept of the Big Bang theory is an attempt to explain scientifically how and why our universe is what it is now and was what it was then. "The Big Bang is supposed to have been the first event in the universe, perhaps the one act of divine creation from which everything else has resulted according to the laws of physics. In fact the concept is not quite that grandiose. Most scientists who have seriously studied the subject believe that about 10 or 15 billion years ago, the universe was extremely hot and flying apart from itself at enormous velocities, as if it were exploding." (Dauber and Muller 125) .

             In theory, the concept of the Big Bang states that the universe began with a cataclysm of such great magnitude and that generated space and time, all matter and energy. "We have by no means exhausted the list of problems associated with the early universe. The question most asked, we suspect, is what came before the Big Bang. As a corollary, some ask which came first, the universe, or the laws of nature." (Alpher and Herman 140).

             For an incomprehensibly tiny fraction of a single second, the universe equated to the cataclysmic explosion where it was an infinitely dense scorching fireball. This theory equates to what astronomers now know as a runaway process called 'Inflation" where a vast expansion of space is systematically filled with energy. "The inflationary expansion is stopped only when this energy is transformed into matter and energy as we know it." (PBS) After the Bang, the universe took shape and the basic elements were formed. Once the event occurred and the universe was in an infancy stage, like a common ecosystem, the entities in this early stage formed, banged and recycled themselves to create the universe. In theory, all of this took only a few seconds.

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