Major Model of the Universe

             This report attempts to present a comprehensive analysis of a major model of the Universe. The objective is to provide a brief summary, a timeline so to speak, of the universe. The piece presents insights into such phenomenon as the universe"s guesstimated beginning, evolutionary process and through to its forecasted end. Along the path the paper touches upon topics such as Epochs; the Radiation Era; the Matter Era; the Hubble Constant and more. This timeline of the Universe may or may not be totally accurate because, the fact is, no one is positively sure of how our universe came to be. "Cosmologists assume that the fraction of the universe we see is representative of the whole. This assumption was first made seriously at the time of Einstein, and it has seemed to hold up as observers become able to penetrate more and more deeply into the observable universe. According to essentially all proposed models, astronomers now observe only a fraction of what we shall ever be able to observe." (Alpher and Herman, 4) From a religious perspective for example, the universe may have been a thought in the mind of a superior being with names such as Zues, Mother Nature, Alla or God. From a perspective of the Bhudda on the other hand, we may simply be a part of something that has no beginning or ending and therefore is a universe that will remain as is. Of course, this paper tries to approach the topic from an astronomical or scientific angle. In other words, this work is not an attempt to replace other theories or philosphies, it is only an attempt to understand one perspective on how the universe may have been formed and may likely evolve.

             The Beginning with a Big Bang.


             The term 'Big Bang" originated in 1949 by Fred Hoyle during a radio broadcast called the 'The Nature of Things." Ironically, Hoyle was known to be a critic of the theory and actually was trying to mock the concept.

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