New Mexico on Trinity an Atomic Test

The United States learned that Russia was indeed exploding nuclear weapons by testing the telltale fission particles in the rainwater collected by the navy (2). Russia had exploded even more nuclear bombs during the following years unexpectedly. The United States had reason to believe that a scientist by the name of J Robert Oppenheimer who secretly gave Russia top-secret information on how to make nuclear weapons. During that time not only has Russia exploded atomic bombs but other countries exploded as well. Some countries like Great Britain, India, and China has tested their own nuclear bombs. As a result the United States warned all countries not to test any atomic bombs in the air because research done in the U.S. navy shows that the ozone layer is getting affected. This is why the United States has taken strong measures against nuclear explosions.

             In 1975, a report done by the National Academy of Sciences said "Large nuclear-.

             Explosions would, among other things, inject a variety of particles into the upper atmosphere. In recent years, considerable attention has focused on the possibility that the injection of a substantial quantity of nitrogen oxide (NOx) into the stratosphere by a large number of high-yield nuclear weapons might cause a depletion or thinning of the ozone layer. Such depletion might produce changes in the earth's climate. And would allow more ultraviolet radiation from the sun through the atmosphere to the surface of the earth, were it could produce dangerous burns and variety of potentially dangerous ecological effects (S. Johns, P.Sharfman, J. Medalia, W. Vining 112, 113, 114).

             In other words If countries continue to use Nuclear weapons such as (atomic bombs, thermonuclear bombs, Hydrogen bombs), these different types of bombs can literally eat away the ozone layer causing the sun to give off rays that can cause cancer and other health problems. This is not the only problem that can occur if countries continue to test nuclear bombs in the air and on the ground.

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