New Mexico on Trinity an Atomic Test

In 1939, the German born scientist Albert Einstein had informed President Roosevelt about the possibility of creating a super bomb (Scott Fetzer 494). The super bomb was just another name for atomic bomb which would cause such an explosion that every single atom in the bomb would split in half (Einstein 494). This meant that if the United States were to ever use this super bomb the lives of millions of innocent people would be put at risk. .

             After the incident in Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt died and Harry S. Truman became next President. Truman who was the Vice President during the Roosevelt years knew nothing about this new weapon. President Roosevelt and Albert Einstein kept the atomic bomb makings a secret for more than ten years. One of the reasons why President Roosevelt kept the atomic bomb making a secret was because he was afraid a leak might hint other countries on this new invention which would cause countries to develop there own type of bomb. When Roosevelt died, Truman became the next president were he pulled the strings. Finally Truman who called the shots had finally ordered a B-29 Bomber airplane to carry The Little Boy into its belly. The United States was going to show the world that the U.S. was a country where war has been in its blood and it was time to call it quits. Truman warned Japan that they must surrender or face the consequences of being air raided. Japan who thought that they could defeat the allied powers continued on with the war. On August 6, 1945 the first atomic bomb was dropped into the city of Hiroshima killing 70,000 people. The second atomic bomb was dropped two days later in which it killed 39,000 people (Bolt 1). The war was finally over in 1945. .

             In 1949, scientists believed that only the United States had the resources to produce nuclear bombs, in fact they were wrong. During that year on August 29 Russian scientists introduced its first nuclear explosion in the Ust-urt desert between the Caspian and Aral seas (Bolt 2).

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