Censorship in Education

            Plato writes in Book Nine of "The Republic," that in a good society there should be censorship, which should be determined by the ruler. Plato has a very strict view on what should be censored in education. For example, Plato believes that many sections of the Odyssey should be censored. I do believe in censorship in education, but I do not believe in censorship to the same level that Plato does. I believe that censorship should be considered at a much smaller level. Plato believed in censoring poets, especially for the use of education. Plato said that fables and legends that are normally told to young children give a false idea of gods and heroes. Plato believes that the only thing that poets or writers should write about is the "divine nature as it really is" (71). Plato believed that children should only learn the truth, because if they do not they are given a false idea of life. .

             I do not agree with Plato and his idea that fables and legends should not be told to children. I believe that children need to hear fables and legends. The fables and legends help young children understand major ideas that they otherwise would not understand or be interested in. For example, the fable of "The Milkmaid and her Pail" makes it easier to understand the theme "don"t count your chickens until they"ve hatched." If a child is just told that idea they will not automatically understand it. Children need to be able to relate to what they are being taught in order for them to stay interested and listen to what they are being taught. This story may not be the "divine truth," but I believe that it still has an important lesson for children. There is no harm in fables or legends and I do not believe that they should be censored. .

             Plato believes as children get older, what they learn should still be regulated. Plato believes that even the Odyssey should be censored.

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