The History of the Chinese Lion Dancing

Tails are single and multicolored color and match the color of the head. Traditional tails are made of silk. Most modern tails are still made out of silk but some have been made out of nylon for durability or mylar for a reflective shine. Many of the tails these days are going to the shorter length of 7 to 8 feet. The first lion to use the shorter length tail was in Singapore in the late '60s. For celebrations, both lengths are used. The longer is considered more traditional but the shorter one is more aesthetically pleasing. .

             The instruments of the band are the Drum, Gong and Cymbal. There are no other instruments in a traditional lion dance. Even modern lion dance groups have not added more instruments. The drum is the leader of the band and has a long history in Chinese culture. The drum was first recorded in Chinese history when a famous general had a dream about leading his troupes into battle. He was faced with coordinating a large force. He decided to stretch the skin of a tiger over a barrel and use the bone from its leg to beat on it. When the troupes heard the drum beat, they would charge. The Chinese are credited with creating the gong. While many cultures independently created drums, no other culture ever used a gong. While the drum was sufficient heard before a charge, in the heat of a battle, the low sound of the drum was difficult to hear. The gong makes a high pitch sound, which would be used to signify a retreat. The drum is loud on the forward attack and the gong takes over on the !.

             retreat. The cymbals play a complimentary role and fills out the rest of the beat. The symbol has a high sound to follow the gong but is quicker in sound much like the drum. It is one of the instruments that lead the drum on the beat. The gong and the cymbals must keep up with the drum in order to make the beat sound good. The sound or beat gives the lion the energy to make their moves. .

             Another important element to the lion dance is the pattern or show.

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