Anti-Cruising Law

As soon as a suitable outlet appears in the form of automobiles, it is deemed unacceptable by many citizens. If a teenager wants to drive around in a circle (cruising) as pointless as it may be; that teenager has a right to do so. If a teenager is cruising in a car that he/she worked on or has pride in, they will not jeopardize their investment with drugs or any other handicap. A Lamborghini owner will not operate his car drunk, it means too much to the owner. If our problem with our youth is that they want to have a nice car and work hard for it and drive in a circle. Then that is a good problem, they are not doing drugs, and they are not being violent because they have something to lose. A teenager with nothing to live for will shoot up his school, a teenager with nothing to lose will destroy himself with drugs. A teenager who has a job so he can spend on his car has something to lose. What message do we send to our teens when we say he is being a nuisance for cruising, and possibly send him to jail or fine him up to $500.

             What is the big deal with cruising? Why are they hassling teenagers? The answer is simple, teenagers are posing a threat or are violating citizens rights. When teens drive around in circles they pose numerous hazards to society. The government has an obligation to maintain safety on the roadway. If this means sacrificing Friday, and Saturday night fun for teens, then that is what has to be done. When teens cruise, they can block traffic and block the passage of safety vehicles. This is a serious problem, someone could die, or someone"s house could burn down just for the pleasure of some teens. Another problem arises, when teens congregate they often spell trouble. Teens are notorious for being troublemakers in large groups and cruisers are no exceptions. Teens will not congregate and start picking up litter or perform community service. Sadly, they will cause trouble and participate in illegal activity such as littering, racing, and drug use/sale.

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